Church Council News August 2022


Skyland Community Church

                              Minutes of the Council Meeting on July 17, 2022

Attendees: Reverend Melanie, Reverend Patricia, Anne Evans, Jackie Seymour, Jan Parker, Shannon Edwards, Gerald Alonzo, John Heyes

Members not in attendance: John Conkle

Call to Order: Patricia opened the meeting at 1:03 p.m.

Opening Prayer: given by Reverend Melanie

Behavioral Covenant: read by Gerald

Review and Approval of Minutes: As the minutes of the June meeting had not been seen by all members, it was agreed to defer approval until the August Council meeting.

Treasurer’s Report:

Gerald noted the following details:

·       At the end of FY 2021-22, total income is “a little shy” of the budget.

·       Total operating expenses are less than the budgeted amount by $1, 224.

·       Gerald is finalizing records so that Brian can do the annual audit.

·       A large donation will cover the required county inspection of the elevator.

Old Business:

Coffee hour responsibility:

·       Gerald volunteered to make coffee and set out tables and chairs each Sunday.

·       Core team (e.g., Trustees, Missions) will be invited to sign up for a few Sundays of clean-up and other tasks.

New Business:


Shannon reported on the recent questionnaire, which revealed that

·       There is strong support for the pantry’s long-term role;

·       Storage should be in the shed, not in Whitaker;

·       Outside storage should be moved from the porch to another location, such as the current refrigerator site;

·       Twin priorities for an outside storage cabinet are aesthetics and safety;

·       Possible designs include metal cabinets resembling school lockers;

·       An aluminum/UV stable polycarbonate “bus stop” frame is also feasible;

·       A metalworker has volunteered to donate labor.

Anne noted that the Finance Team needs to know the cost of storage units so that funds can be allocated. Anne also advised that applications for grant money should be made before the shed refurbishment is started. We should find out if county permits are required for this project.


Jackie summarized the results of the ministry assessment:

Worship Services

·       Of 32 respondents, 50% attended two or more times a month (equal numbers for sanctuary and online).

·       Asked to identify aspects of services that members like, 78% named sermons, and 65% music. 30% mentioned the church community being together. 22% noted the appropriate length of sermons.

·       28% reported liking prayer time; 25% cited communion as important.

·       Asked what would make services better, 35% cited an end to Covid restrictions. 29% answered more people in the sanctuary. 16% reported satisfaction with services as they are.10% asked for better sound.


·       Participation as a member or as a leader in activities is considered very important by 56% and somewhat important by 28%.

·       84% praised the work of Reverend Melanie and Skyland’s leadership during the pandemic: keeping us together and calming fears. Two members noted an excess of caution. One stated that outreach was inadequate.

·       Asked what the pastor and leadership do well, 40% mentioned communication. Others said keeping members safe, consideration for elderly persons, and Reverend Melanie’s guidance and availability.

Community Engagement

·       77% of respondents want to add community-gathering activities. 19% stated “don’t know or unsure.” 4 % prefer to continue as is.

·       52% would like to share meals and have Revision events with meals.

·       26% favor activities for families, especially those with children.

·       Other ideas: Harvest Festival (11%), events like Soothing Series (7%), book club (7%).

·       57% volunteered limited help or no help with events. 20% identify as willing to help but not organize. 10% would help with meals.

Pastoral Care

·       94% reported that their needs were met, many expressing enthusiasm.

·       96% stated that requests for pastoral care were always fulfilled.

·       One member questioned the sufficiency of pastoral care.



Melanie spoke of envisaging a place for children in the sanctuary during services.


Anne proposed deferring her report to the August Council Meeting. Members concurred.

Closing Prayer: given by Reverend Melanie

Patricia ended the meeting at 2:45 p.m.

Next Church Council Meeting: Sunday, August 21, at 1:00 p.m.

Minutes Submitted by John Heyes, Clerk


Skyland Community Church, United Church of Christ
25100 Skyland Road
Los Gatos, CA 95033
phone: 408-353-1310
USPS mail: Skyland Church
P.O. Box 245
Los Gatos, CA 95031-0245

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