Finance Team Update August 2021
The Finance Team added a new member, Jackie Seymour and a consultant, Terrie Landini to our team in June. In late June the Finance team met and agreed upon a process to make recommendations as to the management, use and investment of our monies for the benefit of our Skyland Church community.
We divided into two sub-groups to research opportunities and to develop rules and policies as well as recommendations for the use of the monies. We will keep in mind the history of the Milberry fund and the Endowment. One sub-group is tasked with research on the Milberry Fund and Endowment Investments. The other sub-group is researching opportunities for the Board Designated Reserves.
The Finance Team will include ESG filters (Environmental, Social, Governance) while researching the investment opportunities.
On August 8 the subgroups will return to the Finance Team with their research and make recommendations for establishing policies and general investment criteria which will then be discussed by the entire team. The Finance team has begun a process that we will adjust when needed.
Many thanks to the members of the Finance Team as well as our valued Treasurer, Gerald Alonzo, for the responsible and careful stewardship of our assets.
Team: Gerald Alonzo (Treasurer) Anne Evans, Terrie Landini, Jackie Seymour, Jan
Swayne, Brian Wood