Message from Rev. Melanie for August 2022


 "It is in vain that you rise up early
   and go late to rest,
eating the bread of anxious toil;
   for he gives sleep to his beloved."

(Psalm 127:2)

I write this as the last, well almost last, task I will do for Skyland Church before I go on vacation for nine glorious days.  I will spend some of those days "camping," at Mt. Lassen (quotation marks because we will have a tent cabin instead of a tent) and some of them sitting on the beach watching the waves and sitting on the porch enjoying a novel and some tea.

Rest is important to our physical and spiritual health.  Whatever rest looks like to you, whether it is camping or a nice hotel or home, whether it is near the water or the mountains or in the city, whether it is with family or friends or on your own, take the time to set down the obligations and checklists that sometimes fill our days to bursting and do something, or do nothing, in a way that restores your body and your spirit.

Peaceful blessings,
Rev. Melanie


Skyland Community Church, United Church of Christ
25100 Skyland Road
Los Gatos, CA 95033
phone: 408-353-1310
USPS mail: Skyland Church
P.O. Box 245
Los Gatos, CA 95031-0245

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