Skyland Community Church Annual Congregational Meeting


Skyland Community Church Annual Congregational Meeting Minutes: February 6, 2022 

The meeting began at 11:35 a.m. With twenty-six members present on Zoom, Jan Parker declared a quorum (sixteen are needed). An additional person joined before the first vote, bringing the members present for voting to twenty-seven.

The Opening Prayer was led by Rev. Melanie Weiner.

Moderator Leslie Meehan read the Covenant and declared the Annual Congregational Meeting in session.

Gerald Alonzo presented the Treasurer’s Report for July-December 2021.

Gerald reported difficulty with transferring money donated for Cambodia to the appropriate Cambodian account. Eventually, the bank took over and made the transfer directly; however, one of the earlier attempts finally succeeded, so the donation was made twice. The two banks are working to resolve this issue.

Carolina and Lynn both commented upon concerns for specific line items. Those concerns will be addressed by the Missions Ministry Team.

Leslie led the congregation in applause, expressing great thanks to Gerald for his many years of service as Treasurer of Skyland Church.

Leslie led the discussion and feedback on the Annual Report. Gratitude was expressed for the work of all the Ministry Teams and for the astonishing number and depth of activities accomplished in the Year of COVID-19 2021. Great hope was expressed for the lifting of precautions and for the return to in-person community events and activities.

The 2021 Annual Report–with the Minutes from two congregational meetings in February 2021 and May 2021–was approved by an “aye” vote of the twenty-seven members present. There were no “nay” votes or abstentions.

Financial Team Leader Anne Evans presented the proposed Amendment to the Bylaws regarding Endowment Fund practices. The Amendment consists of a one-page set of Federal and State Law mandatory management instructions for the Skyland Church Endowment Fund. It is a legally restricted fund with four categories of potential spending areas, and a cap to spending each year that allows use of the growth of the fund, but not the principal. 

Informational questions were asked and answered. No changes to the document were made.

The question was called, and the Amendment was approved by an “aye” vote of the twenty-seven members present. There were no “nay” votes or abstentions.

Leslie presented the 2022 Slate of Officers and Core Ministry Teams for Skyland Community Church. It was noted that Linda Heyes is returning from her medical leave to rejoin the Deacons; Bonnie Cloyd is returning to her service with Missions; and Jan Swayne had been left off the UCC delegate slot with Gerald Alonzo. With those revisions, Gerald Alonzo moved to accept the slate, and Carol Greene seconded the motion. The question was called with twenty-six “aye” votes, no “nay” votes, and one abstention. The motion passed.

Great thanks were expressed to those ending or continuing their service to Skyland Church. Thanks and hopes for the coming year were expressed to those who are beginning new terms of leadership and participation for the year 2022.

Vice-Moderator Patricia Wood presented the current plans for returning to hybrid Sanctuary-Zoom worship after the current Omicron version of COVID-19 has passed and infection/hospitalization numbers return to approximately November 2021 levels. The good news is that the retreat of infections seems to be as steep as the climb to the record heights reported at the end of December and through January. However, the return to some acceptable risk will probably take until mid-March 2022. The Ministry/Moderators team reviewed the data from local sources, CDC, as well as international experience with the Omicron version. Additionally, Omicron is much more contagious.

Various types of masks have been evaluated against Omicron, and only the ***95 type masks are highly effective. As to serious health outcomes, hospitalizations, and deaths, the best results occur with the proper wearing of ***95 masks and full vaccination plus a booster. The team is seriously considering requiring all three when on-site worship resumes. The team encourages everyone to get a COVID-19 vaccine booster.

The recommendation to not resume full hybrid worship service until March 13 was shared with the Church Council for endorsement and was approved by the Council the day prior to the Annual Meeting.

In the ensuing discussion it was noted that although some church members have been infected, none were infected at church, and none attended church while possibly infected. Although one member has died from COVID-19, this person was already isolated in a care facility. A request was expressed for greater, more timely communication of risks and decision discussions.

Before the closing prayer, Rev. Melanie expressed appreciation and gratitude to all outgoing church officers and team members.

Rev. Melanie then led the community in a prayer of thanksgiving, hope, and encouragement for the coming year.
The meeting was adjourned at about 1:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Vice-Moderator Patricia Wood

Incoming Clerk John Heyes


Skyland Community Church, United Church of Christ
25100 Skyland Road
Los Gatos, CA 95033
phone: 408-353-1310
USPS mail: Skyland Church
P.O. Box 245
Los Gatos, CA 95031-0245


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