Skyland Community Church Annual Congregational Meeting
Skyland Community Church Annual Congregational Meeting Minutes: February 6, 2022 The meeting began at 11:35 a.m. With twenty-six members present on Zoom, Jan Parker declared a quorum (sixteen are needed). An additional person joined before the first vote, bringing the members present for voting to twenty-seven. The Opening Prayer was led by Rev. Melanie Weiner. Moderator Leslie Meehan read the Cov enan t and declared the Annual Congregational Meeting in session. Gerald Alonzo presented the Treasurer’s Report for July-December 2021. Gerald reported difficulty with transferring money donated for Cambodia to the appropriate Cambodian account. Eventually, the bank took over and made the transfer directly; however, one of the earlier attempts finally succeeded, so the donation was made twice. The two banks are working to resolve this issue. Carolina and Lynn both commented upon concerns for specific line items. Those concerns will be addressed by the Missions Minis...