Giving Tree Update December 2021
Good News! With the generosity of many kind Skyland Community Church and friends, we have raised the $4650 to match last year's gift cards and give $300 per family (12) plus $50 a child (21). The 12 families who are eligible for free school lunches will get $100 gift cards to Target, Safeway and Grocery Outlet and the children will get $50 gift cards to buy toys or clothes. By giving families gift cards they are able to buy items in the right size, color and style for their kids. The school will distribute these cards anonymously. Anyone interested in preparing the holiday cards in the coming week will be welcome to help.
We are still raising funds so that we can help the families/individuals who come to the Skyland Church Free Food Pantry. We have kept a list of almost 50 names Plus, there are so many new families finding us lately, so we might meet a few more families in December. Gerald Alonzo will distribute the gift cards one at a time keeping track of who takes them over December. Our goal is to raise $3750 and we have one generous donor who already gave $1000 towards this project. THANK YOU!! If we raise the additional $2500 we would like to support 25 families with a $100 Target card and 25 individuals will get $50 Trader Joes and Target cards.
Skyland Church sponsors local families at CT English Middle School, Loma Prieta Elementary School and other families in need for the holiday season. This year is especially important due to all the changes necessary during this pandemic. If we fulfill our funding for this year we will be giving $8400 to our local community! That is an amazing local impact. Please donate online at using the donate button on the webpage that links you to the Giving Tree or write a check to Skyland Church. Or- call Shannon Edwards at 408- 234-2710 or email her at: and we'll include your contribution.