Church Council News November 2021
On October 18, the Skyland Church Council held an extended discussion about our COVID Guidelines. With rainy, colder weather approaching and COVID protocols continuing, the Council decided to revisit our guidelines and consider current and future concerns. A couple of weeks ago two four-stage HEPA air filters were acquired and set up in the church. Other than vaccines, masking, and distancing are the most effective means to prevent the spread of this dangerous virus. A close third is ventilation and air flow. Singing is also a higher risk activity; using masks when singing can reduce that risk significantly. Concerns about COVID in our community were magnified by the recent COVID cases in mountain schools. We will continue to remind each other to keep our masks over both nose and mouth. It was decided to procure a couple more air purifiers, especially since this brand is very effective and quiet. It was also agreed to keep the doors of the sanctuary open for ventilation even as the weather gets colder.
In other news, the Finance Team will be bringing some new bylaws language regarding the management of our funds and investments to the Congregational Meeting in 2022. The Council endorsed this proposal and thanked the Finance Team for their continuing efforts to simplify and manage the church funds.
At the time of the meeting, the church had been notified that it’s fire insurance would not be renewed. Gerald Alonzo, treasurer, and Brian Wood, trustees, were asked to find and present options to the Trustees Team. See the update in the Trustees Report.
A wonderful donation of $850 has been made to Skyland Church from the Loma Prieta Club. The money will go to help several families in the mountain community who are facing dire circumstances.
The Missions Team reports that more and more community members are utilizing the Little Free Food Pantry to the extent that the shelves need to be restocked more than once a day. Adding food pantry directions signs on local roads has also led to increased usage. Food continues to be brought from San Jose, Scotts Valley, and various donations. There is a continuing need to purchase milk, eggs, and cheese to replace the special COVID USDA distributions that were ended this summer.
There is some concern for the approaching rainy season, so some supplies are being relocated or protected in other ways.
Volunteer management is very busy and could use some additional support. Volunteers come from our congregation as well as throughout the mountain community. Jan Parker offered to head up the effort to write thank you notes to all the volunteers.
The Giving Tree efforts will continue with contacts at the two local schools identifying families who need extra support through the winter holiday season. The Giving Tree donation button on the Skyland Church webpage is activated and ready to receive donations!