Mission Board News September 2021
Little Food Pantry
Summer brings heat and many of the fruits and vegetables that are donated to the church are past their prime. Also, many of our neighbors have dropped off zucchini, apples and pears recently. Please spread the word that if there is a large supply of any fruit or vegetable, it is fine for anyone to take them. Today we are blessed with extra collards, sweet and white potatoes and broccoli and cauliflower. The goal is to bring healthy foods to the mountain. Spread the word!
Hunger isn’t limited to the developing world, or to poor parts of the United States. Hunger is in every county in every state across the country. And it’s in our county, which boasts substantial wealth and grows much of the state’s fresh produce. 1 in 5 people in Santa Cruz County face the threat of hunger. And for children the risk is even higher: 1 in 4. According to Second Harvest in Santa Cruz who supports our pantry "going hungry is about more than empty stomachs and hunger pangs. People forced to skip meals also miss out on the nutrients their bodies need–adults can’t perform their jobs well and children can’t concentrate in school. And scarce resources mean the food they can afford is often high in calories and low in nutrition–such diets are behind the dramatic rise in obesity and related chronic diseases like diabetes, which are further harming low-income families and individuals, taxing the health care system, and raising the cost of health care for everyone."
Please talk to your neighbors, your workers, essential workers that make less than a living wage and let folks know that we have free food 24/7 on the porch and down the ramp in two refrigerators at the church. The doors have signs that show when our volunteers are there to help give a little more for those who are feeding more than a family. We have 15 wonderful volunteers daily who bring the food out so it can be taken at any time and give privacy to families in need. THANK YOU!
Summer brings heat and many of the fruits and vegetables that are donated to the church are past their prime. Also, many of our neighbors have dropped off zucchini, apples and pears recently. Please spread the word that if there is a large supply of any fruit or vegetable, it is fine for anyone to take them. Today we are blessed with extra collards, sweet and white potatoes and broccoli and cauliflower. The goal is to bring healthy foods to the mountain. Spread the word!
In addition, as covid laws and eviction moratoriums change, we are starting to get requests for additional support- gas, rent and other payments help too. Thankfully, Rev. Melanie Weiner has an emergency budget to help folks temporarily as they work to find county, state and federal support systems in this difficult time. If you know others in need, please reach out to her and also offer 211 as a support number for those in need.
Thank you! Shannon Edwards, Missions Board Chair
Skyland Community Church, United Church of Christ
25100 Skyland Road
Los Gatos, CA 95033
phone: 408-353-1310
USPS mail: Skyland Church
P.O. Box 245
Los Gatos, CA 95031-0245