Church Council News August 2021
Council meeting
notes July 26, 2021:
Moderator Leslie Meehan brought the meeting to order at 8:35 am. Opening prayer was led by Rev. Melanie Weiner. Our Behavioral Covenant was read by Leslie. Minutes of the June meeting were read silently and approved unanimously.
There was no old business.
The issues covered in the Minister’s News are covered as separate items below.
A Vision and Assessment Ministry Team was authorized in the revision of the Skyland Community Church Bylaws proposed and passed at the Annual Congregational Meeting on February 14, 2021. This team’s responsibility is both evaluation of Skyland Church’s ministry and minister, visioning for future direction and commitments of our church, setting goals, and communication with all parties. Implementation of this new team was approved unanimously.
On-site, outdoor worship was successfully held three Sundays in July. With increasing summer heat, complicated audio/video and other site set-up/take-down, and other logistical concerns, the return to in-Sanctuary worship happened on July 25th, to rave reviews by those in attendance and those using Zoom. Some pews were cordoned off to ensure appropriate social distancing, masks were in use, and except for Zoom participants, all after-service conversations were held outdoors.
Requests by local community-based organizations needing meeting space, requests for funeral and memorial services, and hopes to resume traditional Skyland Church activities have come forward.