Message from Rev Melanie May 2021

Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Matthew 6:21

This is that most wonderful season of the church year.  No, I speak not of Easter, though that is also a wonderful season.  I speak of stewardship season.  The Church has always thrived on the generous sharing of gifts.  From the people who fed and housed Jesus and his disciples as they traversed the countryside to the lending of a donkey to ride into Jerusalem and a room for their Passover feast to the gift of nard to anoint Jesus' feet to even the lending of a tomb for Jesus' body to be laid through the sabbath, the generosity of Jesus' followers is what enabled his ministry.

Two thousand years later, this same generosity enables our ministry in Jesus' name.  In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus reminded his people, reminded us all, that we are willing to invest in what we value and what we invest in we come to value even more.

A church budget, and a personal budget, is a statement of values, of what is really important.  If you examine a budget closely, you will see what we as a church, or you as an individual or family, deeply value.

My personal budget shows that I deeply value the basics of housing and feeding my family and retiring in a decade or so. You can see how I like to spend my leisure time when you notice that much of my disposable income goes to savings for travel.  And it shows that I deeply value the ministry of our church as I return 10% of my cash salary and housing allowance as my pledge commitment.

I know 10% is a lot, and I didn't arrive at 10% overnight.  I reached it over time, each year giving a slightly greater percentage until I reached what is for me the right number, a number that reminds me of what is important to me, that you are important to me.

I encourage you to consider what you value and what you can contribute as we wrap up this stewardship season.  What new life (remember, it's still Easter!) do you experience as a member of the congregation?  What new life would you like to see develop in our congregation and in our community?

Finally, I am grateful to all of you for the time and treasure you contribute to Skyland Community Church and our ministry in our community, for how you care so deeply for the wellbeing of our community and all of its inhabitants, and for all the ways you are the hands and feet of God in the world.

Rev. Melanie

Skyland Community Church, United Church of Christ
25100 Skyland Road
Los Gatos, CA 95033
phone: 408-353-1310
USPS mail: Skyland Church
P.O. Box 245
Los Gatos, CA 95031-0245

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