The Finance Team added a new member, Jackie Seymour and a consultant, Terrie Landini to our team in June. In late June the Finance team met and agreed upon a process to make recommendations as to the management, use and investment of our monies for the benefit of our Skyland Church community. We divided into two sub-groups to research opportunities and to develop rules and policies as well as recommendations for the use of the monies. We will keep in mind the history of the Milberry fund and the Endowment. One sub-group is tasked with research on the Milberry Fund and Endowment Investments. The other sub-group is researching opportunities for the Board Designated Reserves. The Finance Team will include ESG filters (Environmental, Social, Governance) while researching the investment opportunities. On August 8 the subgroups will return to the Finance Team with their research and make recommendations for establishing policies and general investment criteria which will then be ...
Giving through our Vanco Mobile app is an easy and convenient way to donate to our church. It only takes a moment to set up an account: 1. Download the free Vanco Mobile app from the App Store (for iPhones) or Google Play (for Android phones). 2. Find our church just by searching for "Skyland". 3. Select Skyland Community Church. 4. Log in if you have an account or Sign Up. 5. Select the Give button at the bottom of the screen. 6. Enter the amount you would like to donate. 7. Select the "Give to" and choose which area for your donation. 8. Select "Frequency" and choose your option. 9. Select "Payment method" and enter your information. 10. Select the "Give $xx.xx" at the bottom of the screen. Thank you for your generosity! You will receive an email receipt for your donation directly from ___________________________________________________________ Skyland Community Church, United Church of Christ 25100 Skyland Roa...
Harvest Festival 2021 and Re-Vision at Skyland Church During the Skyland Church Council meeting of July 26, the decision was made to cancel Harvest Festival for 2021. Council members all spoke to their love for the event and about concerns for the rising COVID-19 infections locally. (Not known until Wednesday, the 28 th , was a super spreader music event in Felton with just over 200 people present that sickened the entire band and several attendees, so far. Local health authorities are seeking participants who are displaying even minor symptoms.) The community and our church’s love for Harvest Festival is deep and abiding. Each of the event’s different aspects were spoken of with fondness and a strong hope of continuing in future years. As the discussion continued, folks began to include events that had happened as part of our Re-Visioning community outreach and involvement projects. Then, lightbulbs of ideas began to shine upon the Women’s Soothing Series, the Community Shar...