Church Council News May 2022
Community Church
Minutes of the Council Meeting on April 18, 2022
Reverend Melanie Weiner, Reverend Patricia Wood, Anne Evans, Jackie Seymour,
Gerald Alonzo, Jan Parker, Shannon Edwards, John Heyes
not in attendance: John Conkle
to order: Reverend Patricia opened the meeting at 8:33 a.m.
Prayer given by Reverend Melanie
Covenant read by Reverend Melanie
and Approval of Minutes: One section in the Treasurer’s
report of March 21, 2022, was amended to clarify the purpose of two special
gifts. Gerald said that the $5,000 designated for Cambodia is available to the
Missions Board. The other $5,000 gift is for the general fund.
Patricia advised that Council meeting minutes should
identify the persons proposing and seconding a motion to approve, along with
the number of ayes, nays, and abstentions. (This information appears in these
minutes and will be found in all future ones.)
After the minutes of the March 21 meeting were
amended, Gerald moved to approve them. Jan seconded the motion. The minutes
were approved by a unanimous vote.
highlighted the following information
· Offerings
are above the anticipated level
· Total
income is also a little above expectations
· Expenditure
has risen for health insurance, facility insurance, and taxes
· Operating
net is $17,011
· The
Total Operating Funds are readily available as they are not in a special
designated category.
· Anne
noted that the Vanguard brokerage accounts are 50% stocks, 50% bonds.
Old Business:
Jackie presented a second
draft of the proposed 2022-23 budget for the Council’s review. After
discussion, Gerald proposed approving the draft, and Jeremy seconded the
motion. The draft budget was approved by a unanimous vote.
New Business:
Jan gave an update on the
work of the deacons’ sub-committee on membership. The categories are active
members, inactive members, and friends of Skyland.
Regarding coffee hour, Jan
advocated for keeping it simple. The deacons will try to organize coffee-hour
Jeremy urged a thorough
cleaning of the kitchen in Whitaker Hall: drawers, silverware, flatware,
utensils. Patricia suggested that all cleaning projects, including the carpet
in the sanctuary, should be overseen by the trustees.
Shannon spoke about the
pantry integration. Some items may be moved from the porch after spring rains
Alternative storage
locations are being investigated. Skyland members will be consulted on this
topic. An assessment of the church’s storage capacity will help determine what items
can be stored on site and where.
All pantry volunteers
have watched a health video about maintaining cleanliness.
Refurbishing the shed
will entail foundation work. A contractor has been contacted.
Funding advice for such
projects is being given by West Valley Community Services.
Patricia ended the meeting at 10:32 a.m.
Church Council Meeting: Sunday, May 15, at 12:30 p.m. via
Prayer given by Reverend Melanie
submitted by John Heyes, Clerk, on April 24