Finance Team Update January 2022
Endowment Fund Amendment to Bylaws
An Endowment Fund is a special category of donated funds that are given in order to provide funds into the future. The donations are made specifically to the endowment fund and the use of the funds are restricted to the organization’s goals. The management and distribution of these funds are restricted by law. The purpose of the law is to ensure that the funds are invested in lower risk investments and to limit distribution to 4% -- 6% averaged over three years to ensure the funds are available in perpetuity. In California, the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act (UPMIFA) is the current law in affect governing the investments and uses of endowment funds.
Skyland Church has had an Endowment Fund since approximately October 1995 when a resolution was passed at a congregational meeting that outlined the uses and restrictions on an endowment fund. The earliest records indicate that the fund was set up in 1998 and began with $19,274.13 with an additional $5000 contributed within a year. Although the history is sketchy there is every reason to believe this money was donated for an Endowment Fund and was meant to be used for the “mission, outreach and general level of service provided by the church”. As of December 31, 2021, there was a total of $89,016.62 in the account.
Jackie Seymour, Anne
Evans, Terry Landini, Brian Wood, Jan Swayne, Gerald Alonzo