Church Council News December 2021
Skyland Church Council Report from November 15, 2021
The Church Council meeting went smoothly even though the new
elevator is not, moving smoothly, that is. There is an issue with the door not
closing automatically, it is being addressed with the installation and
manufacturer’s team. Final payment is held up until the problems are resolved.
COVID guidelines were discussed. The playing of a flute was
approved with the caution that an air cleaner be very nearby. Updating the
sanctuary furnace to MERV-13 filtering standards to accommodate extra air
filtering was discussed and will be researched by the Trustees.
The Finance Ministry Team will be creating policies and
procedures for their work. In the process of coming to understand the unwritten
guidelines, they have discovered that certain fiscal guidelines need to be in
the Skyland Church Bylaws. That presentation will come before the
Congregational Meeting early in 2022 for approval. In addition, as part of
documenting the fiscal life of our church, it has become clear that many
procedures and policies need to be written down to guide our way forward.
These, and similar policies and procedures for other Ministry Teams and
committees, will be documented in the coming year. The goal is to collect them in
a book of policies and procedures that will reside both in physical and
computer-storage form and be available to everyone.
It is also the time of the year when we begin to prepare our
hearts to welcome Jesus and remember his birth as a fragile human. Advent, the
time of preparation, is when we assemble a Nominating Team and consider the
Leadership Team for the coming year. In either late January of early February,
our yearly Congregational Meeting will be held to elect our new, and returning,
leadership. That Nominating Team is being assembled, please consider saying yes
to participating in this temporary and necessary team if you are asked. If you
are interested in volunteering for one of the Skyland Church Ministry Teams,
please let Leslie or Patricia know as soon as possible.
In closed session, the Skyland Church Council accepted the
resignation from church membership of John Hultgren with sadness and with
prayers for him to find a more fitting spiritual home.
The Church Council will not be meeting in December and sends
prayers for hope, peace, joy, and love to spread in our families, our
community, and the entire world.
Submitted by Patricia Wood
Skyland Community Church, United Church of Christ
25100 Skyland Road
Los Gatos, CA 95033
phone: 408-353-1310
USPS mail: Skyland Church
P.O. Box 245
Los Gatos, CA 95031-0245