All At Once Home Series by Lesley Louden
When: Wednesday night, June 9 th at 7pm PST on zoom Open Show Santa Cruz: Lesley Louden will be presenting her most recent photographic series on zoom and her students from Cabrillo will be presenting “Life After a Neurological Event” video project. Sign up to get the zoom link: These photographs portray the discoveries possible during the daily household unruliness that the COVID-19 SIP created for my family, and for so many dual working-parent households. These images share good kid messes and new freedom and discovery when we were forced to be, just around the house. "Life After A Neurological Event " video project. This video was created as part of a Cabrillo College cross-departmental collaborative project with the Cabrillo Stroke and Disability Learning Center students and the Cabrillo college Art Photography students entitled, "Life After A Ne...