Message from Rev Melanie April 2021


The flowers appear on the earth; 

    the time of singing has come,

and the voice of the turtledove

    is heard in our land.

The fig tree puts forth its figs,

    and the vines are in blossom;

    they give forth fragrance.

--Song of Solomon 2:12-13


 As I write this, it is Holy Week, among the most sacred times in the Christian calendar. This week we have felt the triumph of Jesus arriving in Jerusalem and we will soon feel the pain and suffering of the final days of his life. On Easter Sunday we will roll away the stone closing the tomb and discover once again that Jesus has risen and lives anew.

 In these last few days it has been warm enough to sit on my patio and read comfortably, listen to the birds, and watch the antics of the squirrels. This has been a joy but the same time life continues to be odd and difficult as we isolate ourselves to protect ourselves and others.  The ups and downs of Holy Week and Easter fit very well with what we have been experiencing.

 After Easter Sunday we have a whole season, 49 days, to celebrate the joy that is resurrection and new life. We will live this out in our Sunday morning services, but let's also live it out in the rest of the life of the church. Let's tap into joy as we consider our pledges to the church when the pledge cards come in the mail. Let's be joyful, while also being careful, as more people can get together in small gatherings. Let's joyfully participate in the growth of Skyland's ministries in the community.

 In just a few days we will celebrate Christ's resurrection. When the time comes, let us proclaim loudly and clearly, "Christ is risen!"

 Rev. Melanie Weiner


Skyland Community Church, United Church of Christ
25100 Skyland Road
Los Gatos, CA 95033
phone: 408-353-1310
USPS mail: Skyland Church
P.O. Box 245
Los Gatos, CA 95031-0245

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