Treasurers Report May 2021
Note from your Treasurer for 11 months of our ’20-‘21 fiscal year:
Pledge income is $25,266 above budget primarily due to late pledge commitments after our budget was approved.
Offerings are also $1,741 above budget.
Thanks to our generous Mission support for our conference, $2,780 has been sent to NCNC-UCC to support One Great Hour of Sharing.
We now have online “Donations” item on our website, “”, as a convenient way to support our mission outreach and operations.
You may also mail your pledge and other donations to
P.O. Box 245
Los Gatos, CA 95031-0245
Here is a summary of our operating finances as of April 28 for our 2020-2021 fiscal year.
In addition to this year’s current $28,553 operating surplus we also have last year’s $29,271 surplus.
Gerald Alonzo, Treasurer